Ranch Camp
10-12 year old campers (June 15 - July 12)

Children find a second home on Sangre de Cristo Youth Ranch.  Campers from diverse backgrounds live, work and play together for a month within a supportive community.  Participants practice taking good care of themselves, each other, and our ranch and wilderness home.

Campers emerge from the month-long experience with greater self-esteem, independence, self-expression, work ethic, social skills, physical fitness, and stewardship.  Our staff are educators, artists, trade masters, wilderness professionals, agronomists, and caring mentors.  The program provides a safe environment for young people to explore and develop their true potential.


Learn how to register here for camp or go straight our Online Camp Application

Wild Camp
13-15 year old campers (July 13 - July 26)


Session two is for young adults who want to take the ranch experience to the next level. Work projects are more challenging, service oriented, and self directed. Participants journey deeper into the wild during multi-day river and mountaineering adventures.

The Youth Counsel is planning a two-week experience for their peers.  We don’t yet know what specific activities these young leaders will come up with.  One thing is for sure:  this community is a place to be your most true, positive and powerful self, find deep and genuine friendship, and enjoy living to the fullest.